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The Business Challenge

The company confronts multifaceted challenges in managing its expansive global workforce. Operating across diverse cultures necessitates a nuanced approach to employee management, incorporating an understanding of local customs and labor practices. The company also needs to comply with varying labor regulations, encompassing considerations of working hours, wages, and benefits in different countries. To maintain a cohesive organizational structure, the company also needs to establish effective communication channels to address language barriers and time zone disparities. The company needs to sustain employee engagement amidst diverse regional contexts, demanding a delicate balance between uniform corporate culture and the accommodation of local variations.

AES Approach

AES supports the Workforce Management Center of Excellence of the company enabling markets around the world with tools that support labor scheduling, store layouts and formats, and work methods. AES, in particular, is helping the client develop data-driven decision support tools using of  Tableau, PowerBI, Databricks,  SQL, Python and Excel.

Outcomes Delivered

With over 300,000 store employees across its international operations in over 80 countries, the company drives more effective and consistent labor management with tools from the Workforce Management Center of Excellence, with support from AES.