CREATE POSITIVE IMPACTfrom our workplace to our communities
Social responsibility is at the core of our operations here at GCC. We do it simply because it's the right thing to do.
Pavan MukharaCEO, GCC
We strongly believe that everyone is responsible for each other – from working together as a team, to collaborating with our clients, and to making our communities a better place for everyone to live in and thrive.
Our passion for social responsibility extends to how we define the right tech talent for our clients – one who has not just the technical prowess and industry acumen but the civic mindedness that elevates service excellence.
In a world of accelerating industry changes and technology advancements, we are committed to education for all. No one should be left behind. We partner then with communities and NGOs to provide quality education to handicapped and underprivileged children.
Whether you are a client, a technology partner or an IT practitioner, we look forward to partnering with you in this mission - to create the most positive impact to our communities and make this world better than yesterday for everyone.